Audio mini-Cdr [jui09]
The cover of this fourth installment shows us some text in a barely readable font, but the story is clear: Toy Bizarre uses sound material recorded in one square meter in Australia and creates twelve sound pieces out of that. This is the fourth one. It made me think. This piece, like its three predecessors, is a fine piece, there should be no doubt about that. A musique concrete collage of various sounds – no doubt written on the cover, but hard to read – which makes a piece that is at times loud, at other times soft, but essentially there is also not much difference between the four pieces so far. What does this mean for the next eight pieces. That is, I think, a bit of a problem, when choosing such an elaborate work in twelve parts. Will there be a change, a sudden, unexpected move from the past? A heavy drone piece, an all soft piece? To keep this series interesting and be a bit more different, change is necessary, I think. So far, so good however, and this fourth one is a pretty strong collage of processed and unprocessed environmental sounds.
FdW – Vital Weekly